Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Last Saturday was a cold rainy night. Amy and I were Tucked in on our couch watching TV eating a hot bowl of soup, When we heard it. The most god awful sound at first i think it is two cats outside fighting or doing what cats do. Then Amy mutes the TV and we realize it is far worse then two cats outside. It sounds like it is coming from inside the house. As Amy is frozen on the couch i have to investigate but every time i move closer to the action in are guest bedroom the HISSING stops so i stop. To my relief it was not in the guest bedroom However now i am thinking it is in our cold air return staying warm. I am dreading the thought of it being a skunk and am actually hoping it is a opossum, raccoon anything but a skunk, because of it hissing something must be down there with it and we all no what skunks do when they get scared and that is all we need our house to start smelling like.

There is nothing we can do it is late Saturday night we can not call our landlord. We could but he would just tell us to wait for the morning and if it is still there then we will do something about it. so we spend the night listening for it waiting for the attack but all we hear is the hissing. The next night nothing, will it ever return we hope not God we hope not.

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