Monday, March 30, 2009

This is a little something for the guy to be unnamed we meet in the hotel elevator

Friday, March 20, 2009

Why no post you ask

I have not been posting because 1. Amy is mad at me and is no longer editing my post and she is mad that i do not know the difference between the words are, our, and or i do that or is not the same word but when she was telling me how to use are and our i said jokingly what about or and that is why she is no longer my editor so now it takes me a lot longer to post, and 2. i have been making a really cool website that i think my brother will really enjoy because it is a dedication to him and how much i love him so if every one would like to check the site out here it is for all to enjoy.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Last Saturday was a cold rainy night. Amy and I were Tucked in on our couch watching TV eating a hot bowl of soup, When we heard it. The most god awful sound at first i think it is two cats outside fighting or doing what cats do. Then Amy mutes the TV and we realize it is far worse then two cats outside. It sounds like it is coming from inside the house. As Amy is frozen on the couch i have to investigate but every time i move closer to the action in are guest bedroom the HISSING stops so i stop. To my relief it was not in the guest bedroom However now i am thinking it is in our cold air return staying warm. I am dreading the thought of it being a skunk and am actually hoping it is a opossum, raccoon anything but a skunk, because of it hissing something must be down there with it and we all no what skunks do when they get scared and that is all we need our house to start smelling like.

There is nothing we can do it is late Saturday night we can not call our landlord. We could but he would just tell us to wait for the morning and if it is still there then we will do something about it. so we spend the night listening for it waiting for the attack but all we hear is the hissing. The next night nothing, will it ever return we hope not God we hope not.

Monday, March 9, 2009


So, I think something is wrong... it might be the Oregon weather or maybe my age (24), but something strange is happening and I have no explanation for it. I first started a change when I started to like wine. I know that is not that hard to believe, but other "changes" were going on here... I like vegetables? What is that? Iam the kid who threw them behind the couch and would start crying if forced to eat them...and now I am going back for seconds, we are not talking about the weak stuff- I am eating it all including broccoli, the most hated of all. My mom would melt cheese on it to try toget me to eat this stuff only to find that I just sucked the cheese off and left the Green stuff behind. Now I love steamed and raw vegetables... Of course I still like a little Ranch on the raw and some salt and pepper when it is steamed, but I like having vegetables with every meal.

That's not the only change I have picked up. In the last year or so, I have started to read. Just add this to the list of things I thought I would never do. I would not read a book. I got through school on foot notes and relied on other people's help. If i was forced to read a text book, it was a painful drawn out thing and I would just skim the pages until I answered the question asked and move on to find the next answer. However, in my old age i am reading for fun. Yes... I just said something I would have made fun of myself for saying just 2 years ago. Now I have read 5 books in less then 2 years. I know that is not a lot to some, but all of the books I have read have been suggested because I have no idea how to go to a book store and pick out a book. The one book I did pick out for myself was Marley and Me. I enjoyed reading that book, because of my dog. The other books I enjoyed for various reasons. Maybe the suspence of what is going to happen, I guess. Its the same with this last book. I don't know why, but it took me some time to pick it up and start reading it. I am glad I did because it was really good. The book is called THE HUNGER GAMES. If you have not read the book I would suggest it to anyone and it looks like it is part of a series including another book titled Catching Fire. I think that will be the next book I read.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Stuffed Chicken breast that works!!!!!

If you have ever tried to grill one of these DAMN chicken breast, you know how frustrating it can be to grill or cook because the stuffing always has cheese, herbs or something that makes them sound amazing and that is how people get tricked in to buying the stuffed chicken. I was a repeat offender on this and gave up on them thinking there was no possible way to cook them without losing all of the filling.
When we bought a magazine titled Cooking Light 65 top-rated recipes I had no idea that a old habit would be staring me in the face... Almond Stuffed chicken, with a creamy garlic herb cheese called "Boursin" and toasted almonds.
OK- so I love all of that and have a picture that shows it cooked and it looks great. I ask Amy if she thinks she would like it and she gives me the go ahead to make the chicken. Go figure... it worked... I cooked it in a cast iron skillet on med heat and 5 min on each side and they turned out well. All stuffing stayed in and was hot in the center. The only thing we think could make the recipe better is if we would have bought the non light "Boursin" cheese. But then again...that wouldn't be cooking light. All in all it was very good

Amy thinks we Blog too much about food...but I say there is no such thing. You can find this recipe at