Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Why Now TV Why

In my life i have only bought One TV and have had it for 4 years and it works great. However i have had 4 other TV's in this time 2 of them we gave a-way one i was not very happy about. The other one was more of a loan that i don't think i am going to be getting back. Then it comes back to the one 27" TV i bought 4 years ago and the 32" sony HD TV that i got from work for free. Let me tell you when i got this TV i was really happy it was about $1,000 new and i paid nothing for it. The only bad thing about the sony, it was 300 lbs. and that is alot of TV. Amy was worried about are new TV stand breaking and to tell you the truth i was a little nervious. Not even to mention who would help me move the TV?

So about a 2 months ago on a i woke up and went to turn my sony on and i got notthing but heard it clicking so i pressed the power and the tv came on but as time went on it was harder to get going so we stoped turning the tv off yes this is the not the most "Green" way to live but some times you jsut have to do stuff like this and we just thought we would get a new tv after are wedding.
So this was a bad week we had a power outtage and no more tv. We thought if we could not get the tv to turn on after a hour of pressing the power button it was over the best TV i have ever had in my house was no more. I relized why you see TV stacked ontop of other TV's now becuse they were in the same spot that i am in right now.

Now i am back to whear it all started and i now know why i bought the TV i did a nice 27" Philips it is not wide screen it is not 32" it is not HD but It is a working TV. I know my day will come and i will get to join the likes of my brother josh my friends mike and james. i just keep telling myself one day nick one day

1 comment:

  1. Woo, woo, woo! So glad that you joined the blogging world :) Do you want me to take pics of our giant TV so you can pretend you have one of your own?
